Pictures packs
FRA april 2010 picture pack
by L@urent on oct.16, 2010, under Pictures packs
Hello All,
Easter break allowed to go two days to FRA with fellow spotter Philippe D.
Regarding the huge ammont of pictures, there are two packs covering the stay.
Pack one containing all pictures except the Lufthansa stuff
Pack two containing only the Lufthansa, Lufthansa Cityline and Lufthansa Cargo stuff
Have a look below, or via the FRA menu for a complete log.
Please keep the pictures for private use only !
FRIAT 2010 pack available !
by L@urent on oct.13, 2010, under Pictures packs
Hello All,
The Friends of the Royal Air Tattoo 2010 pictures pack is available here.
The pack contains about 250 pictures covering sunday’s show, and departure of aircraft on monday.
Please keep the pictures for private use only !