UR-82009 An-124 Antonov Design BureauLanding on RW 26 - 16/10/2011
UR-82009 An-124 Antonov Design BureauWith view of the busy LIL platform - 16/10/2011
UR-82009 An-124 Antonov Design BureauThe aircraft backtracked to junction 2, close to the cargo apron - 16/10/2011
UR-WRF Emb-190 WindRose18/09/10
VQ-BDB B737-400 Tatarstan AirTaken between dark clouds, a bit of luck with the sun ! - 30/10/10
VQ-BDB B737-400 Tatarstan AirOn it's way back to Moscow, carrying russian inverstors back home - 30/10/10