OY-KBM A340-300 Air AlgérieEx SAS aircraft, handled two months ago by Hi Fly, and operated a month ago by Air Algérie - Too bad about the all white design except three leters from the aircrafi mini title - 25/09/10

7T-VJW A330-200 Air AlgérieArrived with a 5 hours delay, departed 2h30 later ... 29/06/10

LX-WAV BAe ATP West Air EuropeThe daily flight arrived right on time at 19h30 - 29/06/10

7T-VJW A330-200 Air AlgérieIn "1-2-3 Viva l'Algérie" special world soccer cup 2010 scheme ! - 29/06/10

F-HAXL B737-800(WL) XL France29/06/10

VQ-BDB B737-400 Tatarstan AirOn it's way back to Moscow, carrying russian inverstors back home - 30/10/10